Monday, March 23, 2009

It's been almost a year since my last post!

Wow, time has gone by quite fast since my last post... school, school, and more school... someday, just maybe, I will get that Nobel prize. To be honest it's pretty much the only competition that I have ever felt like I truly want to win...

School is going well, I really love learning, but keeping focus is tough. Is it so bad that I love to learn not only about chemistry in the lab, but also the simple joys of chemistry in the kitchen? I spent most of the evening Friday making pizza for a party with friends later that night, it was quite tasty, and my first time using millet flour. Saturday I cleaned up the apartment, mainly the kitchen and my room, and later spent a good while with Juliet making dinner. It was nice, the simple beauty and joy of cooking, something that is hard to accomplish with the pressure of school and society... I relish these moments. Cooking in this sense is not just a means to feed oneself, it is human ability coming to fruition.

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